
Devices We support a variety of 3rd party devices, as well as our own branded ones. Show Me! Booking Leyline APIs and widgets allow rich booking capabilities (among other things). I want to know! Simple setup Leyline installation literally takes minutes, when we say no infrastructure, we mean it. Really? Let me see! Statistics See stats at a glance. Don't like what you see? Use export capability or API to integrate with your own ERP. What else? Signage Missed the top slide? Yes, built-in signage at no extra cost. Sign me up! Branding My colors are the best, use 'em. Use my colors Portable Oh yes, mobility is important for us. Mobile printers, mobile clerks, mobile clients, everybody's mobile. How does it work Want to know more? Yes, please


  • 42K

    tickets per day
    and growing

  • 10.1

    minutes average waiting time

  • 98.6

    hours of signage uploaded

  • 3.5

    hours average set up time


Latraps is the largest agricultural cooperative in the Baltic States with 9 grain elevators and has been Leyline since the 2019 high season.

More than 5,000 trucks passed through Leyline during the season of 2019. After integration with Latraps ERP grain analysis data is sent directly to the cloud avoiding paperwork between laboratory, drivers and pit operators.

Mārtiņš Dauksts Director of Production Department Latraps